Sunday, November 30, 2008,11:51 AM
Welcome to the BLACK parade~
Happy Birthday BALA!! May you be more handsome, and more importantly, grow darker~ The great one, The satanic one..and the dark one. A little chemical X was added, and out came BALA. 30th November 1990, the day an evil form was unleashed on earth. Chaos was set to follow, women fled for their lives, kids cried as though M.Jackson was stalking them.

The transformation of Bala...from year 1 to year 18 Citation : If you're wondering what citation is, its stating the link of the site from which you took information. In laymen's term, not your work and you're copying it!! Plagiarism, is a serious offence in NgeeAnn Polytechnic. DONT ASK ME WHY. I've been plagiarising since sem 1 and i've escaped hell thrice.. Here's a joke~Extracted from a SUPER OLD channel 8 drama Question - Why do men fart louder than women? Answer - They have an extra mic and 2 speakers. (This shit got me laughing for 1 good minute) Show Luo(in his mv 我不会唱歌) - 会唱情歌的人,不一定懂得如何去爱 -zW PISSED and missed
Friday, November 28, 2008,8:23 PM
What a day!! Filled with Chicken baked rice and Nasi Lemak; Got a god dam warning letter out of nowhere, just because i was late for lesson, 1 time! Dammit Tham.P.L !! i wont forgive u , old naggy saggy baggy 50year old virgin!! t('.'t) Whats the world coming to, man! Scantily-dressed ladies are roaming the NgeeAnn Campus. Cover up whatever you don't need to show. If you have an urge to do that, go to the toilet, look into the mirror, and scare yourself to half-dead status. The mirror might even be scare to death by you. WARNING : The following content contains gore and ITS DAM LAME(Joke contributed by QI GUANG)Qn : How many Cockroach must you see to entirely spoil your appetite during a meal? Ans : Half ( Cause the other half is in your tummy already) ~~Yes,yes..please go on and hurl abuses at the joke, or Guang. Note to Acc peeps - Don't attempt to ask me for MA1 project answers CAUSE i only contributed a SMALL part to that piece of useless only job in project works is to entertain and relieve stress of the other members.  If anyone has this game "Yu-Gi-Oh GX tag force 3" for the PSP, pls inform me,OK?! Quote of the day : (Benedict) Cover the face, attack the base -zW PISSED out blood
Tuesday, November 25, 2008,6:09 PM
Disastrous day for me, Serious! Experienced hell in school! Dam Throat-god, took away my most lethal weapon - voice, for a day. Trust me, its worse than losing virginity(haven't experienced it yet though). I couldn't retort to what Menghui said, all day!! Unfortunately for him, i can feeel my voice regaining its chaotic form ("\(;...;)/") TOMORROW, shall be the day, hell be unleashed on you!Yes, There are no fairytales in reality. Everyone! Stop dreaming! Start realising! Dont be fooled by "i love you like i loved my underwears" and "you the gorgeous-estest person i've ever seen ". Appearance matters, or does it not. Is it really a bigger issue than characteristic? Up to you to evaluate and for me to find out! Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, as the word "lies" suggested, what you see may not be real!Dam u tutors! We dont care a hoot about your impression of US, in case you planning on using the reverse psychology, save it, REALLY. Dont Mess with us!! Found this inside my laptop,Ex TA 27/28! As usual, Shon showing off chest muscles, and Johnson doesnt look too happy bout it!!-why did zW piss on you?
Sunday, November 23, 2008,7:36 PM
Laksa + milk = LaoSai
Yes yes i know, i was stupid to think that milk would go well with laksa. It went well initially, until my stomach started an internal war. I could hear the large/small intestines hurling vulgarities at the livers and windpipe. Spent 30min in the toilet trying to LAO everything out. To my amazement, i shitted out another bowl of near perfect Laksa.  Found this shit Larry sent me last sem  Look at what Ben said ("\(;...;)/") Only geniuses will understand Another week of routine, study,eat,sleep,soccer. Back to Monday again, BAISEH VOUS-LA god damn french!!
Bala(The great one) 's birthday is coming up! 30th! That shall be the day Earth falls into darkness(TOTALLY). ("\(;...;)/")
Friday, November 21, 2008,10:53 PM
To hell with Singnet, Noob services; faulty modems.A great way to piss yourself off/kill time - apply for singnet broadband, happy waiting for the DSL and INTERNET tabs to light up. After battling with the modem(hitting and scolding) for 2hours, i gave up, decided to use a slower connection instead, and thats why im here bitching about the experience. 2 MIDDLE FINGERS UP FOR YOUR BIG FAT ASS _!_ (O.O) _!_
LESSONS AT 9AM EVERYDAY, MADNESS Went to Joey's house for a game of Mahjong and WinningEleven after lecture, thought i had entered Wonderland, the hse is well designed except for the fact that it seemed like Pontianaks were hiding in some dark corners, ready to attack at the slightest banana smell. During our trip to Bishan station, there's this Tranny-lookalike in the bus. Guang and i tried to detect her/his Adam's Apple but well, failled..That Freak was covered up all the way to the cheeks. Should i like start studying for common test? Devil zW : NEVER. You're not cut out for studies, you're made for greater things, like racism ("\(;...; )/") Angel zW : Fuck lah you! Bad influence only! But hell yeah i agree with Devil o('.'o) Thank You Vonn for this Milky Hello Panda!!Heavenly Taste -zW PISSED on Everyone!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008,10:03 PM
OHHHbituary for today -Balamurali Gunaseelan,18. -Pornstar with 17years experience -Wife - Ellen Page(fantasy). 1990 - 2008(still undecided on actual date) - Cause of death - relatives, earby, lack of love, hates NS
(iBala) says: LOL! (iBala) says: u making my orbituary? (iBala) says: isnt that bad luck?
BusinessCommunication was a torture today, had to dress formally for assessment and i think i dragged the team down by failing to communicate much.
Sorry Patrina and Jiaying. TOO NERVOUS!
Had to "dine" with 2 ladies formally, never in my life had i done that! Formal dining is really not my cup of tea though, would prefer eating prata or meepok. Joey said that its training for the unforeseen future( I DONT BELIEVE)!! I can see myself opening a pet shop in the near future, not dining with high networth pieces of shitty clients.
This is the 4th post of the century and i realised i didn't introduce myself to my dear audience. Im zHIwEI and hell yeah, my nickname is BabyLEE(Menghui i know you're laughing). I am currently studying(well, slacking) accountancy in NgeeAnn Polytechnic and my favourite pasttimes is trying to fail exams and pissing off tutors. Favourite quote at the moment - THIS IS MADNESS.
Ask yourself, do you live for yourself or others? Next, ask yourself again, why did i ask that stupid question, makes no sense - TOTALLY
DJMAX FEVER for the psp is coming out on 6th JAN 2009(if the website ain't making it up) OWNAGE ("\(;...; )/")
I suck big time and i know it <--- highlight,copy and paste this sentence on microsoftWORDS or MSN to unveal some truths about YOURSELVES (i'm not joking this time).
- zW PISSED on your face, in your mouth! ! !
Monday, November 17, 2008,5:14 PM
Bonjour BAISEH VOUS-LA FRENCH! A piss of advice for those intending to take French as their IS modules, dont ever choose it!! Its a total waste of time and brain juices.
Top 3 famous quotes from teachers/tutors "You're not stupid, just lazy" - COME ON! from pri 1 till poly still using the same old line, SIAN OR NOT, can come up with something new? CAN CAN CAN????? nB! "When i talk, you don't talk" - If you seriously thinks that this bullshit works, think again. "If you listen to me attentively you will do well" - What about the times when i don't even acknowledge your existence and still did well?
With the Common test drawing near, it is time for judgement day. Time to think of a new strategy to cheat. Famous "From-the-corner-of-the-eyes" technique used by Kailun is too straightforward, i do wish to cheat honestly. Another of his trademark finisher is passing slips of MCQ answers(copied) around.
So how do i study for tests and exams you might ask(Yes you!! don't have to look around) Simply follow these steps: 1. The most important factor of all, is to wait for the right time to study. Before the panic button is activated,do not attempt to study AT ALL! Recommended period = 5-10days before exams
2. For people with GPA 2.5 or lesser, memorise the notes, DO NOT attempt to understand.
3. A little cheating will do you no harm, try to get as much marks as you can using this method.
4. It is often misunderstood that gaming and studies can be balanced, WRONG. Always place gaming above studies,with that you will have an extra excuse for your parents when you fail. -zW PISSED on you, as usual
Sunday, November 16, 2008,10:00 PM
L.I.F.E - Life is freaking entertaining!!!
LIFE IS COOL You may ask why, i don't know bitches! The awesome things revolving around my life is soccer,Djmax and my clique( CRAZY ASSHOLES). Maybe a puny 1% of affection - IT DOESNT MATTER! Soccer today was marred by scums, who invaded the pit saying the usual uncool stuffs "NEXT TEAM". And things could not get any worser when they took off their shirts just to kick that size 5 soccer ball around. Imagine taking a dip in the Longkang near yr house, well its exactly the same thing when u brush against those sweaty arses! I could feel my skin peeling off after coming into contact with them. I have a new imaginary friend -Trashie, she's cute, tender and fresh. Before i unleash her onto this world, please, dont try this at home. She call me "hell", she call me "chaos", thats not my name!! thats not my name!! Bala : THIS IS MADNESS, SILENCE IMBECILE _!_ (o.o) _!_ If your chest feels empty, check out your neighbours' cabinet, they might have stolen your heart!  Check this out, Football Manager 2009 for the PC! Awesome, back to playing!
-zW PISSED on you, yet again
Saturday, November 15, 2008,9:08 PM
First Blood!!
A round of applause for this new blog *applause* Credits to Bala and his team ( ok he soloed) for editting my templates and links. First up, we shall have a icebreaker. Simply highlight the empty spaces here --->> .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
YOU JUST GOT PUNKED DUMBASS!! Shall be updating on a constant basis(TRY TO). As you know, i needa study too! It covers about 1% of my life, remaining 99% is just about anything else. Whoever needs hair consultancy feel free to approach me, i'll try to mess up your god darn nest into one which is worth pissing on. -zW PISSED on you
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