Wednesday, December 31, 2008,6:06 PM
WTF 2009 WTF 二零零二 WTF
 Yea yea yea everyone's saying 2009's coming, like who in the blue dam hell dont' know? Freakish loads of things to complete in the coming chaotic year, projects, attachments, conflicts, criticisms, racisms...
Secondary Objectives
1. Get a Gpa of 2.5 or higher, this can be done by frequent cheating and pure luck will assist me in the Final Exams too.
2. Gain more weight and muscles with a new diet of 6 meals per day, and lazing around at home trying to gain fats feeding off cockroaches. 3. Conjure up more conflicts and attempt to piss people off their butts, I need all 'your hlp! 4. Open a god dam pet shop selling 5-legged dogs and cats, pontianaks armed with pork and ghouls with fin-hairstyle. 5. Vanquish all terrorists and the places where they spawned in. Primary Objective
~Meet Maria Ozawa, give her a slap and send her to her death~ -zW PISSED about 1.5times today
Thursday, December 25, 2008,11:19 PM
You wished me a Merry Christmas You wished me a Merry Christmas You wished me a Merry Christmas...... And a fucked up New Year~~
I saw Santa today, he said, " 志伟你好帅" I saw Satan today, he said, " 你会下地狱"
Christmas Day lame joke What is the difference between a mosquito and a fly?
Answer(Highlight): A mosquito can fly, but a fly cant mosquito!
 What a christmas, Dined at SuckGay Sushi(Leo's fav) and making our tummies as big as our asses. And they fucking served me Chao Tar Unagi sushi soaked in longkang water..
.jpg) This delicious looking set meal was created by my spit, a little soy sauce, wasabi and a nipple-lookalike fried hotate... .jpg) I dont know how the hell Bala can wank while eating sushi(s)...Ok i lied, he's just having cramps in his mouth due to the coldness of the mooooochi ice creams.. i didnt take my own pics at SuckGay, so i thought this will do @.@ ...A Monalisa Replica found in Art Museum..Taken last semester in library by famous photographer Eugene Ho..
 -zW PISSED on Bala's boner
Wednesday, December 24, 2008,1:03 AM
 !Merry! !Christmas! !Eve!
二零零八/2008 Over soon! What will the new year bring to this world? More bombings and terrorising and skinny jeans? Let me get Gpa 4.00 this sem pls?
And everyone is going crazy over Little Nonya, Nya Nya, Ma Ma, Chor Chor, WTF? How the hell can a mother and daughter look so alike? This is madness! Cheating the audience!
Q. What do Disney World and Viagra have in common?
A. They both make you wait an hour for a two minute ride.
Q. Did you hear about the flasher who was thinking of retiring?
A. He decided to stick it out for one more year!
-zW was caught on camera while PISSING
Monday, December 22, 2008,12:34 AM
Which mrt station used to be a teletubbie?
Ans : Ex-po
Saturday, December 20, 2008,6:46 PM
Woo! Guang's belongings were stolen yesterday and some idiots went to his house to return them, money lost, cards retained! How kind! For anyone of you who went jogging at Woodlands stadium yesterday, better check your belongings too! Penalty!! Theft is committed when a person, intending to take dishonestly any movable property out of the possession of any person without that person’s consent, moves that property in order to effect the taking. The penalty for theft is imprisonment of up to three years(ALOT EH), or a fine, or both!! Maybe they should include punishments like pouring hot oil on private parts in the penalty, would further deter any potential stealers! I need to be more careful in blogging! NP might just catch me! Whole Sg having island-wide sales! up to 70%! I always believe in Santa Claus, hoping that one day, he would drop a present into the underwear i hung outside my windows. It nv happen. All i gotten was some dead leaves and spiders. Levi - Trade in OldJeans(any, Pasar Malam one also can!) and get -$50 off any jeans you purchase, Shiok? But don't be stupid enuff to trade in any Hybrid-colored skinnies, scums! I wanna include a joke in every post, hope i do remember. JOKE!!! Why are black ppl like sperm? Only one in a million actually work. -zW PISSED once a week,twice a day, thrice an hour
Thursday, December 18, 2008,1:42 PM
 Or maybe not, just got to know this info recently..NP is actually monitoring its students' blogs! And worst yet, the ones who have been giving tipoffs is students themselves! what is the world coming to! Why didn't they approach me, despite posting so much rubbish? Maybe they felt that my complaints were, in one way or another, justified? Or do i have to post some racist/cyber bullying stuff before i get banned from blogger.. Talking about Cyber Bullying, its reported in the news that cases in Singapore are rising to a mammoth high. Lame bitches posting comments/photos of their "hated" friends, MySpace,friendster,facebook. Low life scums =.=:  With Christmas fast approaching, its high time everybody get their vocals out and sing along with me..Project works, Project works, Project all the way~~ This dumb joke is Cool
What's the difference between white fairy tales and black fairy tales?
A white fairy tale starts with "Once upon a time...". A black fairy tale starts, "Yo, you Motherfuckers ain't gonna believe this shit..."
 <<<--- zW PISSED in a urine collection container
Monday, December 15, 2008,2:48 AM
The following content is STRICTLY R28 and for guys/male/gays/idiots , i already warned you, so leave now if you have to....ladies, dont come to me and "EW EEEK EEE!!!" Found these jokes on some stupid website Joke No. 1 A construction worker on the 5th floor of a building needed a handsaw. He spotted another worker on the ground floor and yelled to him, but he can't hear him. So the worker on the 5th floor tried sign language. He pointed to his eye meaning "I" , pointed to his knee meaning "need" , then moved his hand back and forth in a hand saw motion meaning “handsaw”. The man on the ground floor nods his head, pulls down his pants, whips out his dick and started masturbating. The worker on 5th floor got so pissed off he ran to the ground floor and said, "What the fuck is your problem!!! I said I needed a hand saw!". The other guy says, "I knew that! I was just trying to tell you - I'm coming!"
Joke No. 2
A Dj was hosting a game show where prizes were given away to kids on stage if they could name the opposite gender of animals. The first kid to come on stage was a girl. "OK, tell me Cheryl, what is the opposite of cow?" "Bull." "Very good! That's correct." The game then continued for the next 15 minutes in a similar fashion with the kids getting all the simple questions correct until it was time for the 10th kid to come on stage. "OK, Johnny, Tell me, what is the opposite of cock?" The young boy paused for a moment, scratched his head, moved closer to the microphone & finally answered proudly, "Chee Bai!"
-zW PISSED out vanilla milkshake
Saturday, December 13, 2008,1:44 AM
 FINALLY??? The toughest period of 2008 has pass, we managed to escape common tests unscathed!! not a wound, at all..Looking forward to Christmas, looking forward to Santa riding his tricycle around and giving out presents(bombs) to unsuspecting children(governed by MichaelJackson)
And im sure our answer scripts will give tutors something to think about - Never underestimate ANYONE who do not listen in tutorials and lecture, Cause we just owned your asses(The big and small ones)
You asked, how zhiwei manage to pass despite not paying attention during tutorials You asked, how zhiwei went by 3 semesters without doing much tutorials You asked, how zhiwei fool around for 1 whole sem and still make it
I wont tell you, because Zhiwei = Genius, and Geniuses conjure magic without reasons Zhiwei's studying technique paid off, the decision to not listen in lectures/tutorials was spot on.. We're so going to pass with soaring colors! Whoever decided to come to the dark side, i welcome you to join our cause..And my Partially red-colored hair assisted me in causing one of the greatest upset in common tests history!! Passing all 3 tests in Acc is no mean feat, but achieving that by not giving a hoot in class is an Ace-grade honour!! Dont get me wrong, IM JUST TOO CLEVER DAMMIT! On a heavier note Things got so so wrong when we went to an ulu pub near Joey's place.. Some china auntie offered to sell us porn dvds! Openly took out whole stack of pork-infested Discs..i bet those discs contain scenes of that auntie dancing around naked holding a +5 enhanced wooden sword imbued with the power to make us puke on sight, or maybe the videos were filmed in a Longkang off Desker road..OK WE SHALL NOT PROBE INTO THIS -zW PISSED on sight
Tuesday, December 9, 2008,8:55 PM
Due to some revolt from my indian friends, this blog shall resume normal service using English languageThe following content is a Fantasy directed by Lee Zhi Wei你拿背!!Why Rfa paper so Easy? Bitch! Made to kill, made to fail!! You want to see us pass? So that my past 2 days of studying paid off? I dont want to pass! So not me! The past CheeWei failed at least 1 of his common test every semester, how could we change that fact now.. After all these shits, I still might fail -_- Come on friends cheer up, we will all do well come Final Exams, fret not! May the Chickens and Ducks be with you Some Rubbish Emoticons i made on Msn..
Bala asked me to watch Tamil shows, was like "fuck, i'll be senile if i watch tamil shows"..
Some small indian kids was at the void deck today, using some weird symbolic language. From their conversation, i can roughly gauge what they're saying: Indian Boy 1 : @!(@#8#@*&( ??
Indian Boy 2: ^.^!! **@&@^@()() zW : Nandri Indian Boys : *stares* O.o?
சூற்றில் மாம்பழம் - ASK YOUR INDIAN FRIENDS, Be warned, Its evil!
The sole reason i exist in this world, is to bring chaos to a whole new level!!!
-zW PISSED into your mouth via a filter funnel
Saturday, December 6, 2008,8:52 PM
今天终于考了第一个paper - Tax, 比想象中还容易许多。虽然
大家的答案都不一致,我 们都很有信心!!Tracy 你一定会及
第一次用中文来写blog, 为了是不让 BALA 等人看得懂..哈哈..
一群 JC 的朋友就快去ARMY 了,今后就很少时间踢足球,说
废话,和piss off 别人..
现在介绍和我一起度过四个学期的 - 朋友们/混蛋们
Qiguang-起光, Benedict - 笨尼迪特
Eugene - 油鸡, KaiLun - 开论
Joey - 桌椅, Menghui - 命灰, ShonFan - 送饭.
最后,不可缺的 Logen - 落根..他是我来到第四学期的主要原
完蛋了,开论和笨尼迪特现在要我和他们玩Online Poker. 老大
阿!星期二考试,现在 还在闹。 努力啦大伙们!一起把老师干掉!!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008,10:17 PM
The period every NgeeAnn student hates has arrived! The time to prove that we've not been listening in class, has unfortunately,arrived too. Only the brave ones(Kailun and me) will defy god's will, to a certain extent.
Have to thank Logen and Joey for tutoring me on the respective modules. These 2 deity exhausted their internal energy to impart me the basics of the various modules.
The reason why i cant update this blog is simple, life sucks. Ok not, just that common test is making me pee(hot pee) in my pants everytime i think of it.
The reason why im panicking, with kailun asking to play FM09 when the tests are drawing so NEAR! Nevertheless, i acceded to his request ^.^v
Whats the most common answer to a question like " When are u going to start studying?" TOMORROW~~
Ronan keatings : If tomorrow never comes~~
Nailed to the tree where we were supposed to meet instead, i found a letter, and this is what it said:
Your attendance record shows that you have been missing classes lately. We are concerned about your absence from classes and urge you to improve your attendance record. Module: ACC /MA1 Description: MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING 1 Component: TUT Class: TA27
Only the chosen ones will get this, most of you guys out there probably wont even get to see this piece of shit anytime soon.
-zW PISSED out of the windows
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