Thursday, February 26, 2009,11:33 PM
Hey there Love
JUST WHEN YOU THOUGHT EXAM IS OVER!!THINK AGAIN!!WE MIGHT FAIL BWAHAHAH11 days to ATTACHMENT, god dam unfair it is to us ACC students.. 11days holidays.. even a fucking polar bear hibernates longer..Ok better stop blogging bout attachment before i get into trouble.. Went to Joey house for Poker today..bought some dumb chips to make the play realistic! i cant wait for final sem, it will bring us back together again, the gays! woohoo!  Picture taken using Ben's 8 MEGAPIX PHONE, turns us into hotties!!  This shot was fucked up, self-timer timed until wrong timing wtf  This super-handsome photo of Logen-AnandaEveringham was taken a week ago, this is the hottest selling portrait on Ebay currently The Magician,me... with his Master..Z.Q.GuangSeriously if you wanna your shit to come out from your nose instead of ass, just beg us to show you some Magic!! Yes i will spend my attachment money on magic i cant deny!!! So people, don't be too surprised if you happen to see me levitate in lecture halls during Sem 6..I will miss all of you!! AWWWWW SO SWEETTTT... OFF TO PRACTISING MAGICCC -zW CAN pass his EXAMS???
Saturday, February 21, 2009,7:59 PM
Hi exams, bye freedom
Hi lets fail exams!!
Revision wasn't very fruitful for me today!! I was doing magic while Logen, gene and KL was busy carassing their revision papers,licking them.... Discussion of gods came into play, you never wanna know what we discussed about Gotta thank Patrina and Logen for spending SO MUCH time to teach me MA,TAX and FIT!! My goddess and self-proclaimed immortal SO WE WENT TO AL-ALZHAR TO DINE TODAY! Fucking mental-retard patient I followed suit  NAAAN IS VERY VERY T-t-t-t-tasty tasty  He thought he looked cool in that beanie-thingy, we hate to tell him the truth  Nipple licking skill, demonstrated by KaiLun on Logen -zW MAGIC-ed non-stop during revision today
Monday, February 16, 2009,8:31 PM
 So you're amazed by my Magic? Do you BELIEVE in Magic? Wanna learn it? GIVE ME MONEY AND I'LL TEACH YOU!!!Studying wasn't effective today, I only did 1 Pfs after 6hours!! Could grasp everything well, But in actual fact not! COUNTING DOWN TO EXAMS - 6DAYS No. Of Modules to Re-study - 3 Chances of failing - 20% OH MY GOD,神! So if i fail, i'll become a full-fledged magician-cum-Petshop owner Logen will be my accountant Kailun will be my bouncer Qi Guang will be my magic partner Benedict will entertain the guests with poker Menghui and Shon will provide BrokeBack Mountain Episode 2 Eugene will clean the pet shits Joey will provide 50tonnes of ginger ale as refreshments But if i pass~~~~~~~~~I'll still be a magician, so the main thing is Do you believe in Magic? Watch this --> CyrilDont come crying after watching!! WARNING WHEN OPENING THIS IMAGE -zW FINALLY stopped PISSING!
Friday, February 13, 2009,3:27 PM
I guess Friday the 13th isn't a good day, today! Neither will feb the 14th 8hours to, gotta find a girl on Ebay soon! GodGodGod, formal wear for the next 6months is torturous.. 9pm-6pm to worseTanjong Pagar is worser$600 intern pay per month is the worst! But i guess we're alot better than any other polys But still! Some of my friends are getting $1000 per month! Hope we're not putting our bodies on the line for this, and we're told not to blog about our internship..Hmm..the usage of initials and anagrams might help~~~~~ Bahh, this stupid video was taken like 9months ago, PLS DONT LAUGH zW_Kana_PrankedSelf prophecy begins now, IM GOING TO FAAILLL -zW PISSED on Rick Astley
Monday, February 9, 2009,10:46 PM
So yeah i went to TheMagicHallThe bloody Can-do-all guy showed me another trick Makes me wanna.... Pay for another trick!! Attachment is arriving, in 1 month's time..After the first month, i would have earned enough to get my gadgets =D Dumbell Card Tricks Deathnote figurines BUT IF I FAIL THIS SEM, HA LEI LU JAH! Come to think of it, i've had great tutors for the past 4 semsEXCEPT FOR T.TIEN SIANG This goddam heck of a tutor make students puke..We hate you yo! Captain Andrew - Dude you need to behave like an adult soon! you're reaching 50s! Cindy.C - Woo caring tutor! Like my mom and aunt, but they care more =D Irene.N - You nag alot, but we love you nevertheless! Karen.Q - The only tutor who devoted her time to make us understand, private tuitions! OWNED! Patricia.K - No doubt, like honeystar..The tastiest tutor in the universe!! And time flies so fast in Poly, you' wouldn't have time to stop and think bout' the "wonderful memories" I'm dedicating this video to all my friends ->> ("\(;...;)/")Have fun =D!! -zW PISSED off some aunties on the street today -_-
Sunday, February 8, 2009,1:00 AM
Another fucked up msn conver
 Bala Bala, only he knows the reason why his com is infested with beasts
Tuesday, February 3, 2009,10:35 PM
Final exams coming, no time to blog!!  funny =D  SUPER GOOD ENGLISH SIAAAAAAAAALL!! -zW PISSED on some poker cards
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