Wednesday, September 30, 2009,2:40 PM
Truth don't hurt Truth sucks Suck you dry of your thoughts & feelings
12:27 AM
ZhiWei, Wake up. You're one big problematic kid.
Monday, September 28, 2009,6:59 PM
It's reported that. Heartache cause heart attacks. That's something new
12:40 AM
如果能将你拥有, 我会忍住不让眼泪流, 第一次握你的手, 指间传来你的温柔.
Friday, September 25, 2009,2:12 PM
I'm just, me. Plain me.
Monday, September 21, 2009,11:59 PM
Imperfections make a relationship perfect.
And I strive and strive just so I could put a smile on your face.
-zW Goodnight. Goodnight.
Sunday, September 20, 2009,12:00 AM
Happy Birthday
Friday, September 18, 2009,8:35 PM
Is it true that when people starts to have weird cravings, they're most probably dying?
I have weird cravings.
And all I can do is hope & pray Cause heaven knows
Monday, September 14, 2009,6:13 PM
Thank you again for being hot and spicy last midnight. And for the TummyAche. 
1:24 AM
Another sleepless night, Thank you McSpicy.
Sunday, September 13, 2009,6:35 PM
Just a random thought.
Men are like, fishes sold in the wet market (You know those on the ice) Women are, of course the one buying the fishes!
So some fishes will try to flap their tails (if they havent died) to get the attention of the buyers. Women will pick up a few, squeeze a lil, and finally decide that its spoilt and throw it back into the fray.
Maybe i should change profession, As a Storyteller.
2:51 PM
Out of breath Out of energy Out of stamina Out of this world,this feeling.
Some things can't be shared.
10:10 AM
Why was the cross-eyed teacher frustrated? Because he couldnt control his Pupils
Will anyone remember me when I'm gone? Just 1? =)
Thursday, September 10, 2009,8:56 AM
What kind of parents leave their baby coughing away in the middle of the night while sitting aside to watch.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009,6:47 PM
The only way to reduce a splitting headache is to play some online games which will cause severe headaches after playing.
090909 - 真的能长长久久?
Tuesday, September 8, 2009,2:19 PM
You motherfucking phone scammer. Had to call when i'm in a fucking foul mood. Sorry you got told off, and fuck off.
1:00 PM
原来这种感觉才是最痛苦,最不想经历的。 快把它赶走。 我想你. -zW
Sunday, September 6, 2009,11:10 PM
You got to have a fragile heart to know how fragile a heart is.
Friday, September 4, 2009,7:42 PM
Last night's 7pm to now....24hours...I only had 1 bowl of porridge. I think, I'm god.
10:25 AM
How fragile life is.. Poor kid I'm still recovering from the shock..
Thursday, September 3, 2009,11:11 PM
♥ 1day ♥
Wednesday, September 2, 2009,11:11 PM
♥ 2days ♥
Tuesday, September 1, 2009,3:14 PM
♥ 3days~ ♥
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