Saturday, October 31, 2009,6:49 PM
2nd Major decision of 2009 made.
Best best best????????????? Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh
1:09 AM
That may be, all I need, to know.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009,9:54 PM
All over and over....again..
Current Career - Http://
-zW no value.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009,3:25 AM
One last time. I'm telling myself.
-zW, good night.!
Sunday, October 25, 2009,11:20 AM
Royal flushed up my assss Shall not be thickskinned anymore.
Friday, October 23, 2009,6:57 PM
I understand I know And I won't say a thing.
-zW, weird.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009,9:15 PM
After the recent bdays celebrations, I'm starting to get ambitious on mine!
I want it to be grand! big big big event!
With alot of people!
Food and mahjong and poker!
Its on thursday!
meaning, we overnight on wednesday night!
meaning, we skip bcomm! WOOOOO
I want a new wallet,new street-soccer boots (cheapcheap), new backpack, new deck of cards, handmade stuff.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ But there's only 1 present that I need.
God (I dont believe in god) bless me.
Stop the influence, start drinking the bubble tea. Lead your own life make your own decision.
I have a bounty on you bitch.
1:14 AM
Day 1
Day 15...
Good start to sch.
Went to surprise Nick at his house.
Happy birthday arse!
Sunday, October 18, 2009,5:13 PM
It is sch, tmr...........
LONG LONG overdue photos from SOFRA & CAROUSEL.
 The stupid 3.
 Again and again~
 This pic looks weird...with that fat lady at the back..
 According to Our boss, happy interns. Yeah only when we're not working
 Joseph, Haiza, Zhiwei = Vulgarism
 Jac, Haiza & Shuyi
 Mr. Big laughing at Miss No Makeup.
 Ah yeh..
 Time to foot the bill, so looking around is the best thing to do to avoid payment.
 Hachooooo dessert..
 Part-time guards.

Jiamin & Jac.
Its us again, the OT interns.
20hours to first lesson. Back to sch~~~ Final Sem Good Luck.
Saturday, October 17, 2009,8:13 AM
urh..alcohol + cigar = sian...
Just got home at 8a.m after the night out!
Why does alcohol make you guys high? please tell me!!
Waste money Waste time Waste sleep Wasted.
I want my birthday celebration to be an Alcohol-free, Smoking-free and Care-free thing.
Remember the date. 21st January. GOGOGO PLAN FOR ME NOW.
Still, Happy birthday Gk Gy.. Gk, you still owe me $20. REMEMBER?
Friday, October 16, 2009,1:53 PM
Birthday, big deal.
I forgot to say, Happy birthday to Gy and Gk.
Grow more hair in the coming years.
3:59 AM
And its 4a.m now. I can't get to slp. I'm going to the KopiTiam to eat~~~~~~~~~~~~~~alone.
Thursday, October 15, 2009,9:52 PM
I want to get enlisted to Army as soon as possible.
Please hurry, Army!
I'm being hit by a series of emotions. what am I exactly.
Which is better?
Having choices or, Being choices.
4:31 PM
Day 10.
Slept at 8.30am in the morn.
Poker till 7.30am in the morn.
Woke up at 4pm in the noon.
I'm screwed woooo!!!
So down,so down....down.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009,6:05 PM
Day 9.
No cash.
Still poker.
6:32 AM
Just got home after a 3.5hours "about-life" chat with Nick. Its 6.33am now. Goodnight.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009,1:29 PM
Day 8
Just one lethal blow will do.
Monday, October 12, 2009,1:27 PM
She will be alright.
Sunday, October 11, 2009,3:23 PM
Day 6
-zW, Night racing is cool, only if you don't get in their way.
Friday, October 9, 2009,11:50 PM
Day 4. I've been on a depressing rout of 6meals a day. Fuck you tummy, why can't you just let me throw up. And fuck you again for not making me fat if you don't wanna throw up. Conclusion? My tummy sucks. Fuck you tummy. Wants : Love, Assurance Given : Love, Assurance So sometimes even "The best" seems so vague. -zW, Tmwdyrw..
Thursday, October 8, 2009,2:59 AM
I guessed as much =)
Wednesday, October 7, 2009,11:29 PM
Happy birthday Ly.
Happy Birthday Li Ying Welcome to the 19 Club No more acting childish and throwing dumb tantrums =D The group
This was taken twice by the dumb cameraman. Salmon Sashimi ftw~ 
We Certainly don't look like F4 but we might just be F5. 
After this blabla thingy, we went to Marina Barrage. ChitChat and laughed at banglas.
This is how squeezy the car can get.11 ppl in one vehicle. Mind you, the guys = 2nd row only CameraGirl = 3rd row.
Dont ask me how i got behind that bar thingy.
 Lonely Night walk................

-zW, Not good,not good...
Tuesday, October 6, 2009,2:34 AM
I need some miracles to keep me alive now. I am not functioning properly. From my heart to my soul. Everything's on course to happiness. How could this happen. Self reflect+ Self improvement. No time for other stuffs. Priority comes before minority.
Monday, October 5, 2009,4:34 PM
Sigh what is happening...
Sunday, October 4, 2009,6:30 PM
3:19 PM
Mum was right Aunt was right Mum is right Aunt is right Mum will still be right Aunt will still be right
-zW , Not even Baygon can finish me off.
Saturday, October 3, 2009,3:21 PM
显微镜里看爱情 放大所有爱的原因
Thursday, October 1, 2009,8:38 PM
Even the clearest language can not be deciphered by those who do not wish to understand.
Do I understand?