Wednesday, May 19, 2010,4:25 PM

Everything went wrong today. Raining + 1hour of waiting + standard drop.
The only highlight was that I am able to do 3 pull ups. Hopefully it will be a 5 next week. Anyway today's failure meant that I'll be enlisting on 4TH June most likely. The Popeyes after Napfa didnt help in getting rid of the sickly feeling in my tummy. Didnt manage to sleep well last night even though I break personal record of turning in at 11pm. I've just lost hopes in 2 things.
I'll continue to train for Napfa. Failfailfail in so many things, especially in making people realise that what my actual intentions were.
Thanks again for those who text me about Napfa score! Even from Overseas! And to THOSE who cant wake up despite wanting to wish =O
Its 4pm+ now and I had a series of weird dreams during the nap.